Thursday, March 17, 2011

Land of the Brave

Japan is a country close to our heart . We have several Japanese clients, business associates and friends. It’s amazing and inspiring to see how stoic and brave they are. Across companies we see the same message ‘We must now work to build the future of our country’. We see this in individuals of different age groups . Truly remarkable and admirable.

We wish the citizens of Japan strength , courage , peace and joy to overcome and triumph the many challenges they are faced with.


Savitha Rao said...

Received this tweet alert from a friend : NHK tweet: Current power consumption below supply thanks to conservation by people – blackout averted for now . People continue to conserve power.

Savitha Rao said...

Also found on Twitter : kevinkindred Japanese nuclear worker on the news: “I am prepared to die to avoid meltdown.” Say it with me–I will not complain about my job today.

Savitha Rao said...

from CNN...A television viewer in China commented about how impressed he was to see a crowd of stranded train commuters carefully leaving a path so emergency workers could pass freely without stepping on others. "China may have surpassed Japan in terms of GDP, but we cannot emulate the Japanese’s level of politeness," he wrote on his Twitter feed, which was seen more than 700,000 times, according to the Mainichi Daily News.

Savitha Rao said...

another snippet from CNN...In a week since the disaster, not a single case of looting has been reported, and I haven't seen any scene of people shouting in anger or banging on the table. CNN's Anderson Cooper recently observed a lengthy line of cars queued at a gas station, and he expressed amazement at how no one was grumbling or trying to cut in line.

